our vision is A future where all individuals feel empowered to continuously realign their personal and professional lives with their evolving sense of purpose, and are able to greet socio-technical shifts as opportunities for growth and positive change.

Our mission is to create a safe and nurturing space for self-discovery and personal transformation, empowering individuals to find clarity of purpose, resilience, and fulfillment in the face of technological change.


What is sound healing?

Sound healing uses vibrational frequencies to synchronize brain waves and put your body at homeostasis, a deeply restorative state, which activates the body’s system of self healing.

The human body is around 60% water and water is a conductor of sound vibration, so when these vibrations move through the body, they increase circulation and energy flow.



is Breathwork?

Breathwork involves fast-paced breathing patterns to influence your mental, emotional, and physical states. It changes the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the body to produce an altered state of consciousness and help you form new neural pathways.

This allows you to process information through a new lens, which leads to emotional breakthroughs and personal growth. This practice helps some people find new purpose and direction in their life. 


Psychedelic Integration

Integration is the art of transforming psychedelic experiences into tools for personal growth and change. With the comfort of a nurturing, open, and caring space, you can feel supported to navigate your journey, gain insights, and shift your perspective, empowering you to lead a more fulfilling life.

Integration can be one of the most challenging parts of the psychedelic experience, but if done with intention, it is where the majority of your journey's wisdom lies.

benefits of the solii experience

How vibrational balance can change your life.


Reduces Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

The vibrational frequencies activate destress responses in the body. They also help to balance and clear your mind, which in turn helps your body to cope with stress. By replenishing brain energy with high-frequency sound you can live a softer, more present existence.

mood stabiliazation

Balance your mood, and stabalize mood swings that can be brought on by stress, anxiety, burn-out or hormone imbalance. Start caring for your symptoms from the inside-out.

Clears Energetic Blockages

Can be thought of as an energetic deep tissue massage, as it helps release stuck energy and rebalances chakras. You can feel sensations such as tingling in the extremities or a sense of being hot or cold.

Improved Sleep

This practice has been scientifically proven to help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce respiratory rates - therefore reducing insomnia and other sleep ailments.

Releases Tension in the Body

Leads to a reduction in chronic pain and blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and decreases the risk of heart disease. 

Personal growth

Helps bring about higher levels of self-awareness. It allows you to see things in a more insightful way and transcend the narrow boundaries of your ego. Leads to a higher level of trust in self and clarity in personal issues.

Better overall health

Can treat a wide range of conditions including: depression, anxiety, stress, addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, migraine headaches, chronic pain, asthma, avoidance behaviors, and premenstrual tension. It induces a state of ease and harmony.


Solii | 소리


Derived from the Korean word meaning ‘sound.’


The sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium.

I have fond memories of my Korean grandparents teaching me songs that brought a sense of serenity and feelings of joy. When there was music, I was free.

  • Kind Words

    To be honest, going into the sound healing experience with Sheenae, I was a little bit apprehensive as I am never someone who has really ‘meditated’ before and I was a little sceptical with regards to whether it would a) work, and b) how it would benefit me.

    However, (and thanks to her professionalism and general understanding) it was actually one of the most memorable & profound experiences of my life to this date. And I don’t say that lightly.

    At times in the hour session, I felt genuinely weightless, with periods of my whole body vibrating & a feeling of actual euphoria.

    I was able to connect with emotions from my childhood and the subsequent effect on me, that have always been difficult to come to terms with for me, and react in a way that I have rarely done. To be honest, I felt clarity. The fact that she tailored a playlist of songs to my own personal taste, whilst keeping to the aesthetic of the ‘sound healing’ process, it really meant that I was able to fully ‘disconnect’ for a while and actually get in tune with who I am and who I most importantly; ‘want to be’.

    10/10, I would fully recommend for everyone to experience a sound healing session with Sheenae, regardless of whether you have done something similar before. A truly memorable experience and something I am going to do again.

    Chris, Australia

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